


Read the contents provided by clients and companies that need their contents corrected. Contents include: Emails, Websites, adverts, etc.

Web reading jobs for all.
Even beginners can earn easily.Upto 40,000/ monthly, make money from home based jobs by working part time on internet. Work for 1 -2 hours. Internet jobs for beginners. Work from home or cyber cafe no need to create website, no buying-no selling, easy part time opportunity for anyone.

Who can do the web reading jobs if you know the basics of computer (emailing, opening of any websites etc.)then you can do this work (web reading )very easily.Student, working professional,housewife,retired persons,and part time work seekers can do this work very easily. If you are a beginner or regular internet worker,you can definitely do these web reading jobs and make money online, Pentagon services.Explains the complete method in a very simple step by step procedure.We have given important tips in the kit so that anybody can understand and work comfortably.

Each web reading hardly takes about 10 minutes or so,and you do not have to meet any other persons.Simply you have to visit the website and read it 10 minutes. If you read the said website from various ip address, this website will optimised automatically, so,this said website will be more popular and will get the great bussiness,that is why the website administartor will pay you directly.

It is 100% sure that ,the research companies send web link by emails.Once you are registered with our web reading jobs ,Pentagon will give you the complete support for that.

The email contains list of web link, only you have to read this site for 10 minutes.

Per web reading you will get 50 rs.

You do not have to buy or sell any products. Just you have to read the website , you will get the payment through money order or at per cheque or demand draft or fund transfer to your bank account. Pentagon Info service team is independent internet consultancy firm registered with government authority.After in-depth research on internet we have compiled Pentagon services kit.

You can definitely do these web reading jobs and make money online, Pentagon services kit explains the complete method in a very simpleepth research on internet we have compiled Pentagon kit. Web link readers are in great demand.There are many multinational advertising websites from which you can earn good income.We will explain you the amazing concept to earn money by reading web link. Once you are registered with these websites they will start sending paid emails to you. Registration on these websites can be done from Pentagon kit .

In these email they will give you advertiser's website links. Just click these links to go to advertiser website.View them for 10 minutes.That's all, for these simple works advertising company will pay you.

These advertising website companies will pay you because they get huge viewership.In turn advertisers are paying these advertising companies.You will receive emails which includes viewing of their advertisements, visiting websites,clicking on some banners. This is very simple work and anyone can do it very easily.In this simple work you are not required to buy or sell any product. You do not require any own website to do this work. These website companies will pay you just to view these advertisements. Payments for web reading jobs you will be paid directly by these advertising companies by cheque at your postal address. Many companies have bank transfer option also. You will be provided with account page where you can see the income you have generated. The minimum required balance in your account varies from $ 1 onwards. You can work from your home or cyber café or from anywhere, where internet connection is available. In this vast internet market the larger companies wants to promote their product through website. The best way for promoting the website is posting ads in free classifieds. Ecom ads had tied up with many companies for promoting their website. For doing all those works we need lots of manpower. For that we are outsourcing the projects to the individual who can do from home.

How much you can earn from web reading jobs?

Calculate your monthly income

Number of web reading per day (rs.50/- per web reading )

50 x rs.20/-

Amount you earn per day by using our web reading program rs. 1000

Amount you earn per month by using our webreading program rs. 30,000

How to register for " real web reading jobs" ? Registration fee for life time.

Normally our registration fees is ₹ 499 only !!. This is very very little amount as compared to your future earnings. We know the value of your hard earned money.

If you want to join please fill the online application form and initiate the online fund transfer.

After getting your payment and registration form we will send you the web reading job, user id and password, and member ship area details by email, or, speed post or by courier, to your postal address, with in 3 days you will get. If you want by email then we will send you by email also, then you will get with in 10 minutes.