Online Data Entry

Online Data Entry

Complete Data Typing Works for different companies on our server. A daily work files of more than 50 companies to choose from in our Member's Server Area.

Join our Data Entry Team of Experts and Make Massive Incomes.

Data Entry in India is the Prime Place for International Companies to get work outsourced.

Data Entry now reached to a new level of outsourcing. Because of the increased offshore data entry projects coming, Data Entry Companies are hiring Data Entry Operators from India and worldwide. Different Data Entry service are now distributed to reach the Job requirement.

Outsourcing now done from Home and giving work from Home Data Entry opportunities to everyone. Online Data Entry made work more simpler for data entry companies. By doing online data entry jobs works are now submitted in scheduled time and give more convenience to international data entry companies because of the time difference.

As a Data Entry company head office situated in Canada and USA, provides excellent support services and guidance of online data entry and related works. We have a workforce capacity that exceeds that of single-man workforce data entry companies. We employ advanced technology devices like faster scanners and Multi-Sensor data processors. Combining this with our professional team of in-house data entry operators and quality controllers, enable us to guarantee quality data entry service to our clients worldwide. We have been serving global customers since 1996. Our efforts were greatly appreciated by them over the years.

We have a vast experience and expertise in providing effective customized Online Data Entry, Scanning and Indexing, Form Processing, and Content Conversion services. We help our clients to gain sustainable competitive benefits through these services. Our high-quality and cost effective data entry solutions are available for your online as well as offline data entry requirements.

We have vacancy for skilled data entry operators and enthusiastic professionals in the following areas, which deliver remarkable results:

  1. Data Entry
  2. Offshore Data Entry
  3. Online Data Entry Jobs Online Form Processing and Submission Data Entry from paper/books with high accuracy and speed
  4. Online Data Capture / Collection
  5. Data entry from Image file in any format
  6. Online Data Entry from hardcopy/printed material into MS Office

We concentrate more on accuracy and speed in online Data Entry. If you are looking for any of the above services and in need of data outsourcing, then our enthusiastic data entry team is ready to meet your requirements. Outsourcing data entry and data processing requirements to us can help you save time and money. You can contact us at any time as we provide 24/7 customer support services.

Now why this outsourcing of work is required and why they need online Data Operators?

In India, most of the work comes from US, European Countries, Gulf nations etc. Today every Industry wants high Quality in their work and absolute customer satisfaction. The work gets outsourced because of the following reasons, in-time, Quality English, Cheap man power, time convenience between different nations, Immediate work submission, No Working Durations, Work from anywhere etc.

Due to high computer Awareness among people in the recent years, millions of people are ready to work in their free time that too from their home. Here at Indigo. opens the same doors for people like you, who are interested in making Handsome money in their spare time by working for top class rated companies. We provide work basically from European and Gulf Countries because these countries need Good Quality of English. Basically we provide online typing jobs only. In our Working Zone you will get a list of more than 50 Companies who put there data files in the form of Scanned pages, what our job is to type the text mentioned there in the text box. Daily the list of companies gets updated and their files too.

Indigo acts as a mediator between you and these companies [Third Party], we take bulk file orders from these 3rd Parties which is to be completed by you in time, because every file they put on our server have some valid time duration, and accordingly it gets updated on our server. Once you get registered with us we provide you access to server wherein you can start the work.


1. What is Online Data Entry Jobs ?
Daily you have to do simple Data Typing Work for different companies on our server. Daily work files of more than 50 companies will be placed in our Member's Server Area. The files will be arranged randomly to work for each companies. Each files will be linked with each company code File no.

2. Is there any skill required to work ?
Yes, basic skills like typing on computer. Computer knowledge of opening internet pages and surfing internet that's all.

3. How to do Online Data Entry work on Website ?
It's very simple & time saving, you can start the work at any of your spare/convenient time daily within 24hrs. After getting registered with our Server Companies, we'll activate job in your my account section which includes 24hrs work flow with full instructions and video guide to get started. Read our different work plans >>

4. What will be the exact format of the work?
The format is very simple, image [.jpeg files] to digital online typing in text box.

5. How to do the work & How to submit the same online?
After entering into My Account Section using your username & Password, you'll see the instruction page, demos, how to do videos, start work link, earning summary etc. At first you should read the instructions carefully so as not to make any mistake while working. After you've gone through all the details you can click the start work tab to get started.

6. How I'm going to know whether my work has been accepted or not?
Once you submit a assignment a new assignment image will be loaded for you. Correction of work is not done instantly, as millions of people are doing work. All you need to do is make sure you are typing the text correctly. Once you submit the assignment, your earning summary will display the records and earnings respective to it. However its not your final earning, every week earnings are updated based on correct job work. You will see the exact no. of valid assignments you have submitted and total earnings respective to it.

7. How much Assignments can I do daily, What will be the work load?
Dear candidate, as this is a Part time work, but if you are interested you can do it as full time also. So here we made 4 different work options, you can either work as a "Beginner Typist", "Professional Typist", "Corporate Package" or as a "Master Package". Daily you can do a Maximum of 85-235 Assignments as per the plan, but a good thing is that there is no limit for minimum Assignments. This means you can submit a minimum of "0" to Maximum of "235" Assignments. For example, today you did 5 files, tomorrow 0 files, everything will be counted. Each Assignment will contain 4 to 6 lines only. To know more about different work options Read our different work plans >>

8. How much time do I get to complete each Assignment?
Best thing is there is no time limit. As we mentioned companies are more concerned with accuracy & quality of the completed work. So here there is no time limit. Daily you can submit 85-235 Assignments as per the plan. You can take as much time as want to complete a single assignment. At the end of the day, whatever assignments were completed will be counted and will be sent for further checking to our dept.

9. What if I complete less than 85 Assignments Daily?
As mentioned in the earlier points, even if you submit 1 file daily it will be counted, but maximum you can submit

(85 as a Beginner Typist),
(135 as a Professional Typist) &
(235 under Corporate Package)
But by the end of the month that is after period of 1 month or 30 days, overall files completed by you should be like this:
As a Beginner Typist: Min. 750 & Max. 1500 Assignments you've submit every month in order to get paid.
As a Professional Typist: Min. 1500 & Max.3000 Assignments you've submit every month in order to get paid.
As a Corporate Package: Min. 2000 & Max.4000 Assignments you've submit every month in order to get paid.

10. What if I complete more than daily maximum Assignments limit allowed?
There is no need to do any extra effort because once you complete your daily maximum assignment submission quota as per the plan, futher assignment submissions won't be counted & same will be automatically deleted from the server.

11. What happens to my earnings if I dont achieve the minimum target of the month?
In case, you are unable to submit the minimum no. of required assignments, your earnings will be carry forward to next month. Payments will be sent only if you do minimum target of work, else your earning will be carrry forwarded to next month and total earning will be sent.

12. Do I've to submit work all at once or can I do in different times in a day?
Daily you can enter the My Account Section any no. of times, so that you won't be tired & can complete the work in different time & in parts.

13. Will there be any problem with different IP Address as I'm doing half of the work from home and rest from office?
No, there won't be any problem, you can submit the work from any place. But make sure you are not re-distributing your work to others. Our server can easily detect if the same job is done by many people. So whether you work from home or office it doesn't matter.

14. After submitting the Assignments what will be the role of company?
Once you submit the work on our server, its transferred to the checking department. This department consists of data entry operators, editors, auditors etc., who make sure that the work done by you is not having more than 2 spelling mistakes.

15. What will be the working hours?
Daily working hours 24hrs. [Starts from 12 Mid night]. Working Days from Monday to Sunday. 24hrs. You've to follow the timings of your country.

16. How the Accuracy is calculated?
Minimum Accuracy required to get payment for a valid Assignment is 98%. If accuracy is less than 98% than no payment for that assignment will be made. Assignments having more than 2 mistakes will not be accepted.

17. In every Assignment What type of mistakes/errors will be counted?
Normally errors like spelling mistakes, commas(,), full stops (.) will be counted.

18. In case we find some symbols, degree and special characters which is not possible to type using keyboard, what should we do?
In such case you have to type the Hash Key # 3 times i.e. ### instead of that symbol/degree or special character. These things will not be counted as a mistake. However, we'll be providing you a Rich Text Editor using same you can type even difficult symbols and characters. Check demo for this.

19. After submitting the work If I feel that I made some mistakes in it can I resubmit the same?
No. Once you submit the work its very difficult to re-launch the same file, because that file will be blocked from reviewing.

When I'm going to get my payment after completing the given work. Now payments are made instantly every hours & real time generation in your account. Your account will be linked to our online server, as soon as you complete the job work, earnings will be accumulated in your online account. Daily you can check your earnings by clicking the "My Earning Summary" Tab.

Payout Cycle : 1st of every month to 30th/31st of the month. Means earnings accumulated in current month will be released next month. Even if you have started in between of a month, you have to submit assignments w.r.t no. of days left for that month. For example if you started at the end of the month, and 7 days left, than divide the minimum no. of assignment to be submitted for particular plan with 30 or 31, the no. you get multiply with no. of days left will give you the minimum target of assignment to be done in that month.

Payment Release Date : Every month between 7th-15th, we send payment to you. Incase of payment not received on or before 15th, place a request using contact us page and re-issue of payment is done on 22nd of the same month.

Payout Mode : Payments are sent as per the payout mode you select in registration form or as per the payout mode you select in my account section. You can change the monthly payout mode anytime by visiting my account section and clicking "Change Payout Mode" Tab. Payout Mode changed after 30th of any month will be not be effective in coming month payout. For ex. if you changed the payout mode after 30th Jan 2011, new payout mode will be effective from March 2011 only.

20. If I worked for the first month & for some reason I like to take leave for few days is it possible?
We are not concerned with how many days or hours you work. We are concerned with the minimum no. of job work you do. However, now in our instant payout scheme you are paid instantly after completion of your job work. But you can withdraw the money only when you have done the minimum no. of required job work in a month.

21. For every valid Assignment, How much do I get Paid?
Payment totally depends upon what accuracy you give. Atleast you have to give a Minimum accuracy of 98% for any type of payment. For every correct & successful Assignment please refer Job Plan/Payout tab above >>

22. Do I have to pay any tax for my income or will company going to deduct any tax from my total monthly Income?
We won't be deducting any type of taxes from your payment & we are not concerned about any taxes which may implement on you, with respect to your country. You've to consult with your C.A. or accountant regarding this.

23. What will be the mode of payment? How long will it take to receive my payment?
Now payments are made instantly every hours. Daily earnings will be accumulated in your My Account. Every month between 7th - 15th, you'll receive the payment. You'll be receive payment as per the payout mode you selected during registration. You can change the same inside my account - change payout tab.

24. Will I get the chance to see my checking report to know where I made mistakes & why Assignment is disqualified?
Yes. After the months work within 15 working days you will get the list of files & what mistakes you made in it so that you can cross check it. Assignment normally gets disqualified when it is incomplete or when you make more than 2 mistakes in it.

25. What will be the contract period of Work?
It's a 12 Month Contract with the companies, you just have to be consistent with your accuracy.

26. Will I'm going to get work continuously every month?
As 90% of the work comes from European & Gulf countries, & rest 10% comes from US & Australia. As we mentioned these companies are more concerned with the quality, accuracy & punctuality of the work. As our company deals with these companies we have been given special target of work to be completed in a specified month. These conditions are with us only, we have to maintain our work reputation with these companies in order to have a regular supply of work on our servers. If we are not satisfying there requirements in time than these companies will not going to supply further work to us. So in order to have a regular supply of work & to keep a good reputation in outsourcing market, for every worker some working criteria has been kept. Because we too want candidates who give us better Accuracy with more submission of Assignments that too in time.

[1] If any Data Entry Operator violates any of the terms & conditions of this site or company than his/her account will be terminated.

[2] If operator is re-distributing work to other people his/her account will be terminated.

27. Can I distribute the work to my friends, colleagues or relatives & get completed through them?
No sorry, as redistribution of work is not allowed. The work should be completed by a person who is filling the registration form & signing Contract papers. Redistribution of work is not allowed because its against the policy of company. Redistribution can lead to further selling of work to other parties at different rates which will be misleading to people and spoiling the name of company. So as to avoid any of such things, we are having Hi-tech servers which can easily detect if the work is submitted by more than 1 person.

28. How many Accounts can I open with the companies?
You can open 10 no. of accounts in your name. If you want more than 10 accounts than contact us using our contact us page.

29. If I'm having any problem to whom I should consult?
For any type of queries you can use, our contact us page. Make sure you are asking queries which is not answered in our site. As daily we get more than 2000+ emails, its difficult to reply in time and may delay upto 48hrs. Hence we request you to ask only unique and genuine queries, and before that visit our knowledgebase section >>.

30. From where these data entry work comes and who exactly do the checking of our files ?
The data entry job work files is uploaded on our server by different outsourcing companies across world wide.We have our Data Entry Server Office in London, UK. The work files are loaded on the server from there only. Checking of the completed work is done from London Office only. Within 2 months we are going to bring more work in the field of technical writers, software development, accountings and much.

31. Why company is charging registration fees?
Managing your job works is more tough than providing job for you. We charge registration fees as our service charge & other administrative charges. These charges includes our daily server usage charge, back office administrative charges, customer support charges, your work file management, monthly payment processing fees, courier charges + fund transfer + Wire Transfer charges for 12 Months etc. So in short you can see it only includes just administrative charges only.

Moreover today if you search on internet regarding data entry jobs, you will get millions of results but all fake. Every website will assure you about data entry jobs, but after you join them either they give some products whose marketing you have to do or any ad words or click bank program. Companies who offer data entry jobs never publish the details over internet. It's on contract basis with professional outsourcing companies (like ours in UK, Canada & India), who intake these works & submit the same work in time. Now Our London Data Entry Office distribute the works among you the jobseekers. As we provide you the real, genuine data typing work we charge a small amount in the form of registration fees. Instead if you search over internet and spending thousands of money & time Join directly through this site or our company.

32. After paying registration fees, do I have to search or contact these companies for work?
No. Once you pay the registration fees, within 24hrs-48hrs(Maximum) job work will be activated in my account section. Just click your respective job under the Premium/Paid Jobs heading in my account to get started. We are not like others who after taking registration fees gives you contacts of different companies for further job search. Our service is very Professional & Prompt. You get exactly what you see in the Demo work >>.

33. How can I trust your website, because already I have been cheated & scammed by many fake data entry websites?
This is a very likely questions asked by every customer. Ofcourse everyone will say good about their service. Regarding our company its almost more than 10 years started & having more than 1 million successful customers in all of our Business products & programs. You can see every minute we have a new joining on our site under recent members section, this only indicates how genuine is our work. We can only say that we provide a very genuine job to all jobseekers across world wide. We always welcome customer to our office or over phone (only for paid members) to clear all their doubts before they join us. Also you can contact us any time using our contact us page. Our Site has been awarded as the best home job site and most visited site in Home Job category.

34. Ok, that's fine & now I'm ready to do this Online Data Typing work, what's the procedure?
Good, believe us you took the right decision. To get started first you have to select any of the 3 work plans to get registered with these companies on our online server by paying a Non Refundable Registration Fees of -

Refer this link Job Plan/Payout tab above >>
This Registration fees is one time and non-refundable, which includes your daily account maintenance, connection with online server of company, daily uploading of your work files & for preparation of monthly Accuracy report. The amount is totally non refundable & non transferable to any other business program or product/services available on our site. After receiving the registration fees, particular job will be activated in your My Account Section it normally takes 24hrs or sometimes within few hrs only.
Please make sure to check our email in your bulk/junk/spam email box too. Also in some cases activation of job work may take more than 48hrs, in such cases we request you not to get panic. It happens sometimes because of national holidays, server down, too many activations etc.